Sunday, February 15, 2009


Things are continuing to go well, both at school and at home with Alan and Carolyn.  This week starts a more normal schedule with the students which I am excited about because we will be splitting the students into their proper groups for maths, language, and spelling.  Some interesting things that I have seen in the past week at school include the PAT Maths and Reading Tests, as well as the ACER Spelling test.  These tests are Progressive Achievement Tests, which were formed t0 help teachers analyze what level the students are at based on the standards that are set.  Unlike in America, the teachers are not using these tests because they are accountable for the results, but instead use where their students are at depending on their performance, to put them in proper learning groups. By doing this, the teachers help the students to improve their skills and knowledge throughout the school year and the test also helps to see individual student improvement.

While I continue to observe the structure of the classroom this week, I hope to take on more tasks as the week progresses.  I am excited for the students to learn the respect song and perform it for their classmates.  It is both fun and something the students should value and work for in their daily lives, which is why I believe it will go well.  Some random things I have learned from the students and staff since arriving:

1. The trunk of the car is called a boot
2. Eraser= rubber
3. They use the word pencil, but more commonly they use grey lead
4. Stick deodorant is rarely used here.  The majority of people use roll-on
5. The map of the world here has Australia on the other side of the United States. (I will have to bring one of these home for sure)
6. The students do not know what Webkinz are (which makes me secretly happy)

I have created a message box for the students and will check it twice a week.  It is a way for them to ask questions or tell me things about themselves that they may not get the chance to do throughout the school day.  While I feel as though I am getting to know my students more and more everyday, there are still some that I do not know much about outside of the learning environment.  This week I want to focus on looking at each student as an individual and try to discover what their strengths and weaknesses are, as well as what type of learner they are.  From my observations thus far, I have found Australia to be more successful at meeting the needs of the whole classroom because there is so much room for flexibility and the style in which they teach.  The curriculum provides leeway for teachers to add in ideas they have or something that best fits the students in the grade.

My weekend:

I thought I would also share a little bit about the weekend. Susan and I went down to Alan's mothers beach house in Torquay.  It is about an hour and forty minute ride from Diamond Creek and is west of the city (Melbourne).  I have been to the ocean before, but this was so beautiful.  I found that I could spend an entire day just walking up and down the beach and taking in the view.  It is so surreal and calming. It was a wonderful break from everything that has been happening close to home.  Saturday afternoon we went to Surfer's Beach and attempted to boogie board.  The waves were not the best, but we still had fun.  We enjoyed some fish and chips by the water and also tried some deep-fried pineapple.  It was good, but I definitely prefer pineapple all on it's own!  

Sunday was a bit cooler than the previous day so we were unsure about going down to swim and boogie board again.  We spent some time at the market along the waterfront and then headed to Jan Juc beach which is one of the main competitive surfing beaches.  It was beautiful, like the two beaches we had been to on Saturday.  We walked back towards surfer beach and I couldn't resist going in and I'm so glad I did because I ended up getting Susan to come and boogie board for over an hour.  The waves were over my head and so much fun! I felt like a little kid all over again.  It was a great way to end our "getaway" weekend.

1 comment:

Susan said...

We for sure need to boogie board again soon!!

Good luck with your RESPECT song. :)